
After experiencing the 1960s in San Francisco, California and living in the remote jungles of Hawaii in the early 1970s, Amita set out to break through her conditioned way of knowing herself and the world she lived in. The conscious search for “Who Am I” began when she read the biographies of Einstein and Gandhi, opening her mind to a way of life that was larger and deeper than even she understood at that time.
The teachings of Ram Dass, as in his book Be Here Now, pushed her limited view of space and time. She did not know exactly what she was reading but she knew it was important and central to spiritual development.
The Don Juan series, by Carlos Castaneda, introduced Amita to the world of Shamanism and all of its magic. These teachings took hold as the images of Don Juan began to unfold in her life: living from an authentic place, seeing all life as a living organism, embracing death instead of fearing life. The world of Shamanic power animal and guardians opened its gates, teaching her to use their skills as intuitives, healers and sacred wisdom keepers.
In the late 1970s, Amita was introduced to the wonderful work of Helen Palmer and the Enneagram. Through Palmer’s deep understanding of intuition and its role in the maturing of the human spirit, Amita began to understand that lasting change is possible for all who seek it. That belief has been central to her work ever since. These two subjects, the Enneagram and the development of intuition, became teachers and pointed her in new directions. Through the Enneagram she better understood the workings of the mind and the emotions, and the world that they create.
The early 1980s brought an introduction to mantra repetition, meditation and devotional chanting at the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Oakland, California. Mantra chanting, which invokes deep meditation along with the study of Kashmir Shavism, opened her awareness and her heart to the universal truth that all is one. Baba Muktananda’s love and the path he created became for her the doorway to the absolute. Bhagawan Nityananda, Baba’s teacher, revealed to Amita the truth that the Heart is the hub of all sacred places. Gurumayi, the current lineage head, exemplifies what unwavering devotion to the highest truth can accomplish for the spiritual evolution of humanity.
In 1987, Amita trained in Alchemical Hypnotherapy with David Quigley. His work offers balance and a new dimension to meditation and how meditative states can be deepened. Quieting the mind brings awareness to the natural state where all knowledge, understanding, and insight begin.
Amita learned about Baba Hari Das and Mt. Madonna during the same time period. Babaji’s caring direction, communicated through silence, and the holistic community that gathered around him served as inspiration and grounding. It was at this time that the name Amita was given to her by Babaji. Amita means infinite light.
Amita worked as a seer and spiritual mentor throughout the 1980’s. She focused on healing the thoughts, emotions, and past experiences that keep us from knowing the natural state where true grounding and support begin. She taught classes and spoke to groups about the subject of the Enneagram, psychic development, shamanism, meditation, inner knowing, and creative expression.
The 1990s brought Amita full circle back to Shamanism when she moved to New Mexico. The power of the land served as a catalyst for a deeper exploration of the worlds of medicine animals, intuition, and art through the rich cultural mix, the history, and the vast, enchanting New Mexico skies.
For several years, Amita operated the Sacred Ways Metaphysical Bookstore and Healing Center in Madrid, New Mexico, about 20 miles outside Santa Fe. Sacred Ways sponsored artists, authors, and teachers from New Mexico, as well as provided music, ritual objects, and books on the subject of spirituality. Readings, massage, and healing work were also offered on the premises. Living so close to the land in the mountains of New Mexico became a way of life Amita loved.
Amita lived in Palm Springs, California, in the mid and late 1990s, and for a year hosted a weekly spiritual/healing radio program called Open Line, The Qwest for Authenticity. She read the work of great spiritual teachers, interviewed authors and spiritual teachers on the topics of authenticity and humanity, answered callers on the air, and played devotional music. By mentoring others and applying her intuitive seeing abilities, she made the program a vehicle for spiritual growth.
The purpose of the program was to bring awareness to the teachings of Unity that all of diversity is but a play of consciousness (God). She began each program with the following short introduction, which points to the work she does with students and clients: “When we discover our own authentic nature, we open the door to choice. We no longer live our life from the point of view of others, but from the wisdom of our own heart.”
At this time Amita again became immersed in meditation and mantra discipline which became the catalyst for the intelligent Kundalini energy to open and rise, moving like an inner fire through each of her chakra’s, purifying them and opening them to the Shakti. Amita’s experiences during this awakening grounded her in the I AM presence. She became aware that the light of I AM PURE AWARRENESS pulses at all times, everywhere.
Amita now lives in Santa Rosa, in Northern California. She has a large private practice of students and clients from North America and Europe, as well as leading retreats and intensives. She works with individuals and groups as a seer, teacher, and healer, both in person and on Zoom.
The teachings of Ram Dass, as in his book Be Here Now, pushed her limited view of space and time. She did not know exactly what she was reading but she knew it was important and central to spiritual development.
The Don Juan series, by Carlos Castaneda, introduced Amita to the world of Shamanism and all of its magic. These teachings took hold as the images of Don Juan began to unfold in her life: living from an authentic place, seeing all life as a living organism, embracing death instead of fearing life. The world of Shamanic power animal and guardians opened its gates, teaching her to use their skills as intuitives, healers and sacred wisdom keepers.
In the late 1970s, Amita was introduced to the wonderful work of Helen Palmer and the Enneagram. Through Palmer’s deep understanding of intuition and its role in the maturing of the human spirit, Amita began to understand that lasting change is possible for all who seek it. That belief has been central to her work ever since. These two subjects, the Enneagram and the development of intuition, became teachers and pointed her in new directions. Through the Enneagram she better understood the workings of the mind and the emotions, and the world that they create.
The early 1980s brought an introduction to mantra repetition, meditation and devotional chanting at the Siddha Yoga Ashram in Oakland, California. Mantra chanting, which invokes deep meditation along with the study of Kashmir Shavism, opened her awareness and her heart to the universal truth that all is one. Baba Muktananda’s love and the path he created became for her the doorway to the absolute. Bhagawan Nityananda, Baba’s teacher, revealed to Amita the truth that the Heart is the hub of all sacred places. Gurumayi, the current lineage head, exemplifies what unwavering devotion to the highest truth can accomplish for the spiritual evolution of humanity.
In 1987, Amita trained in Alchemical Hypnotherapy with David Quigley. His work offers balance and a new dimension to meditation and how meditative states can be deepened. Quieting the mind brings awareness to the natural state where all knowledge, understanding, and insight begin.
Amita learned about Baba Hari Das and Mt. Madonna during the same time period. Babaji’s caring direction, communicated through silence, and the holistic community that gathered around him served as inspiration and grounding. It was at this time that the name Amita was given to her by Babaji. Amita means infinite light.
Amita worked as a seer and spiritual mentor throughout the 1980’s. She focused on healing the thoughts, emotions, and past experiences that keep us from knowing the natural state where true grounding and support begin. She taught classes and spoke to groups about the subject of the Enneagram, psychic development, shamanism, meditation, inner knowing, and creative expression.
The 1990s brought Amita full circle back to Shamanism when she moved to New Mexico. The power of the land served as a catalyst for a deeper exploration of the worlds of medicine animals, intuition, and art through the rich cultural mix, the history, and the vast, enchanting New Mexico skies.
For several years, Amita operated the Sacred Ways Metaphysical Bookstore and Healing Center in Madrid, New Mexico, about 20 miles outside Santa Fe. Sacred Ways sponsored artists, authors, and teachers from New Mexico, as well as provided music, ritual objects, and books on the subject of spirituality. Readings, massage, and healing work were also offered on the premises. Living so close to the land in the mountains of New Mexico became a way of life Amita loved.
Amita lived in Palm Springs, California, in the mid and late 1990s, and for a year hosted a weekly spiritual/healing radio program called Open Line, The Qwest for Authenticity. She read the work of great spiritual teachers, interviewed authors and spiritual teachers on the topics of authenticity and humanity, answered callers on the air, and played devotional music. By mentoring others and applying her intuitive seeing abilities, she made the program a vehicle for spiritual growth.
The purpose of the program was to bring awareness to the teachings of Unity that all of diversity is but a play of consciousness (God). She began each program with the following short introduction, which points to the work she does with students and clients: “When we discover our own authentic nature, we open the door to choice. We no longer live our life from the point of view of others, but from the wisdom of our own heart.”
At this time Amita again became immersed in meditation and mantra discipline which became the catalyst for the intelligent Kundalini energy to open and rise, moving like an inner fire through each of her chakra’s, purifying them and opening them to the Shakti. Amita’s experiences during this awakening grounded her in the I AM presence. She became aware that the light of I AM PURE AWARRENESS pulses at all times, everywhere.
Amita now lives in Santa Rosa, in Northern California. She has a large private practice of students and clients from North America and Europe, as well as leading retreats and intensives. She works with individuals and groups as a seer, teacher, and healer, both in person and on Zoom.